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Making a Difference


The Frank W. Ballou Senior High School Alumni Association Inc. was organized in 2014 in the District of Columbia as a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation which provides scholarship and other financial support to students and graduates of the Frank W. Ballou Senior High School in Washington, DC.


We, the members of the Frank W. Ballou Senior High School (BSHS) Alumni Association Inc., (BAA), also known as KNIGHTS in the Spirit of Participatory Governance, Equality, Unity of Purpose and being ever so grateful to the Almighty, for the Education, Values, and Traditions imparted to us at BSHS do this day, 29th of November 2018 vote to adopt amend where necessary and establish this Constitution and Bylaws as the governing document of our Association.




To build strong camaraderie and companionship among BSHS Alumni and ensure that they stay engaged with our alma mater BSHSM so that; it shall remain one of the best high schools; in Washington, DC.  Whose students receive the best education and become leaders and contributing members of society.




The Frank W. Ballou Senior High School Alumni Association Inc.  shall promote the interests of BSHS Alumni as well as the School’s (BSHS) vision to achieve higher academic standards by making important and practical investments in current students, the School’s infrastructure, programs, and curriculum. We shall promote strong relationships between the Alumni of BSHS, its current student, faculty, staff, and administration. We shall also make it our mission through Alumni involvement to mentor students to become leaders in their communities, countries and the world at large.

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